A�In an earlier blog, I talked about the importance of talking less in the selction process. Now, let’s look at a method to assure you’re getting a winnerA�in that recruiting seat!A�
Instead of muscling a sale or a ‘yes’ from a recruita��.ask questions. Lots of questions. Probe to find out more. Keep finding out more until youa��re really sure you know what they mean. Let me give you an example:
The recruitA�says, a�?I want a a�?deala��.a�?
Do you jump to a conclusion because you know what a�?deala�� means? Dona��t. You may be surprised. Instead, ask questions at what a�?deala�� means to that recruit. When you know exactly what the recruit means, you can proceed to find what theA�really wants–instead of what someone else told him he should ask for!
A Pre-Screening Process for New Agent Candidates to Save you Time
Ask these questions before you spend time and money chasing candidates who dona��t meet your standards.A� Click hereA�to get the complete process.
Use In-Depth Questionnaires to Discover Real NeedsA�A�
Besides using these preliminary questions, always use written in-depth questionnaires so youa��ll knowA�
- The benefits to the features/needs stated
- Hidden objections you may not discover until too late
- Motivations to buy that not even the a�?buyersa�� realizeA�they haveA�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�
**Ever heard the term a�?buyers are liarsa��? I think thata��s not really the case. I think that we dona��t ask the right questions to help buyers (our recruits)A�clarify what they really want. Most a�?buyersa�� of services dona��t know what they really want. They think they want a better commission split. But, what theya��re really looking for is the motivation provided by secrity. That means different things to different people.A�Find outA�what’s really motivating your candidate, not just what he says to your basic questions.
Ask the Right Questions in the Right Order and You Wona��t Have to a�?Closea��
A�Finding the motivators of your a�?buyersa�� is key to helping them make the right buying decisions for themselves. All you have to do to a�?closea�� is to remind them that this a�?producta�� fulfills their needs. And, how do you get there? By creating and using the right questions in the right order.
A�Dona��t forget to grab your pre-screening process:A� click here.
Want to streamline your selection process and recruit more winners? Check out Your Blueprint to Selecting Winners.