Selection: If you’re a great talker, your cooked! A lot of recruiters/interviewers think that, if they’re great talkers, they’re great recruiters (same as agents think talking equals selling…..)
You’re a manager who recruits. You want to get winners in that recruiting seat. You pride yourself on being a great talker. (A manager once told me he just talks them to death–until they say they’ll join the company–what a great screening method-not!) A�But, too much talking is just old-style hard ‘selling’–and that’s certainly not the bulk of an effective selection process.
Instead of muscling a sale or a ‘yes’ from a recruita��.ask questions. Lots of questions. Probe to find out more. Keep finding out more until youa��re really sure you know what they mean. Let me give you an example:
The recruitA�says, a�?I want a a�?deala��.a�?
Do you jump to a conclusion because you know what a�?deala�� means? Dona��t. You may be surprised. Instead, ask questions at what a�?deala�� means to that recruit. When you know exactly what the recruit means, you can proceed to find what theA�really wants–instead of what someone else told him he should ask for!
A Pre-Screening Process for New Agent Candidates to Save you Time
Ask these questions before you spend time and money chasing candidates who dona��t meet your standards.A� Click hereA�to get the complete process.
Use In-Depth Questionnaires to Discover Real Needs
Besides using these preliminary questions, always use written in-depth questionnaires so youa��ll know
- The benefits to the features/needs stated
- Hidden objections you may not discover until too late
- Motivations to buy that not even the a�?buyersa�� realizeA�they have
**Ever heard the term a�?buyers are liarsa��? I think thata��s not really the case. I think that we dona��t ask the right questions to help buyers (our recruits)A�clarify what they really want. Most a�?buyersa�� of services dona��t know what they really want. They think they want a better commission split. But, what theya��re really looking for is the motivation provided by secrity. That means different things to different people.A�Find outA�what’s really motivating your candidate, not just what he says to your basic questions.
Ask the Right Questions in the Right Order and You Wona��t Have to a�?Closea��
Finding the motivators of your a�?buyersa�� is key to helping them make the right buying decisions for themselves. All you have to do to a�?closea�� is to remind them that this a�?producta�� fulfills their needs. And, how do you get there? By creating and using the right questions in the right order.
Dona��t forget to grab your pre-screening process:A� click here.
Want to streamline your selection process and recruit more winners? Check out Your Blueprint to Selecting Winners. It’s completely digital, so you get all the information right now. Includes an 11-step proven process to interview successfully. Do you have a process or do you just ‘wing it’?