Selection: Do you have a strategy to appeal to Gen X? Or, are you still recruiting and selecting the same way you did 10-20 years ago? Are you still recruiting the same type of ‘re-treads’? Those ‘seasoned’ agents who don’t want to lead generate, don’t want to take risks–and are waiting for the market to return to a few years ago? Sorry. I’m not attempting to disparage anyone. But, I bet that got your attention!
Here are two shifts you must make to recruit younger, more energetic, more ‘willing to risk’ agents.
1. In the Interview: Stop Talkinga��and Stop Talking about Your Top Agent
Most interviews are not a�?interviewsa��. Theya��re sales jobs. Instead, make the interview all about that prospective agent. Ask many more questions. Find out that prospective agenta��s skills, his background, his values, his goals. DONa��T sell so much!
Note: If youa��d like a copy of my 8-step interview process, excerpted from Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners, my eBook on a professional selection process, click here to request it.
Don’t Use that ‘Top Agent’ to ‘Sell’ Gen Y
Stop using the top agent as a a�?bell cowa��. The manager tries to convince that prospective agent to join because a�?the top agent in the company works herea�?. Heya��Gen Y doesna��t buy that, because the top agent works there, he too will be a top agent! Gen Y doesna��t care about that top agent. He wants to know how YOU are going to help him succeed. Besides, that top agent is probably one of those a�?seasoned agentsa�� Gen Y doesna��t want to hear about!
2. Stop Using the ‘Enabling Parent’ as a Management Style
Gen Y doesna��t want another parent. They want a mentor. They want a guide. They want someone who leads a team in a collaborative, not top down–environment. Drop out of your selection dialogue: a�?You have to be with us to succeed.a�? a�?Wea��ve always done it this way.a�?
I know that many large companies have recruited in the past by appealing to prospective agentsa�� need for security. In a way, thata��s still there. Prospective agents want to know that the company will be in business in a year! But, they dona��t want to hear that the company is old school, top-down, ruled by navy-blue suited men. And thata��s why that new agent will succeed. He NEEDS that. Dona��t get all huffy. Gen Y is used to diversity. They saw their mother tackle the ladder to success. They have much less respect for old-school authority. (What does that suggest about how you dress and where you interview?)
What surprises you about this? How have you changed your interview strategy to get that ‘new energy’ you need?
Do You Have a Great Interview Process?
Unfortunately, most of us interviewers aren’t trained in this art. We just make it up as we go. However, trained interviewers who have mastered this art recruit better agents–over and over again. Find out how to create a great selection program right here. Don’t waste another opportunity when you’re in front of someone you really want on your team!
(This is an eBook, so you get immediate access!)