We’ve discussed the importance of systematizing your recruiting. I’ve given you information about the contents of a pre-first visit folder. Now, let’s take a look at the folder you need to create for that all-important interview process.
Note: Although we know recruits are the lifeblood of our offices, it’s amazing how we continue to try to ‘wing it’ during the interview process. Assembling these materials will assure that you never are flying by the seat of your pants–or look like it to the candidate!
Keeping Track of Candidates is Tougher than it Seems When You’re in the Recruit ModeA�
How are you going to keep track of each candidate? If youa��re interviewing five to ten candidates per week (the number necessary to build your office at a rate of 4-5 people per month), you will need a method to keep these candidates in mind. (Ita��s really embarrassing to wrong recall something about a candidate in an interviewa��and find out you have the wrong a�?Barrya��a��.)
A�Herea��s what should go in the candidate selection folder:
A�A�A�A�A�A� Phone interview questions and candidate notes from phone interview
A�A�A�A�A� Candidate needs assessment questions
A�A�A�A�A� Candidatea��s application (be sure your attorney reviews this for legalities)
A�A�A�A�A�A� Candidate behavioral predicting questions See The Complete RecruiterA�and Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners–information on these resources is below)
A�A�A�A�A� Post-interview checklist
A�Of course, prior to the interview, youa��ll want to gather your presentation and a notepad to keep notes.
Armed with these tools, you’ll not only appear to be organized, you WILL be organized. Your good candidates will appreciate your professionalism, and will be drawn to you. The poor candidates probably won’t care (and neither should you…).A�
A�For a checklist of recruiting processes and systems needed, click here.
Want to avoid re-inventing the wheel? Check out my recruiting resources here.A�A�A�A�