Here are more tips on using publicity for FREE marketing.
In an earlier blog, I gave you advice about how to create a steady stream of publicity as a recruiting and image-making tool. Now, Ia��d like to share a few more tips on writing articles or blogs.
From writing all those articles and blogs, here are the three most important lessons Ia��ve learned:
- A smaller topic is better
- Less ideas are better
- More examples are better
So, in about 400-500 words, you’ll only have time for one to three ideas and examples. Make the examples ‘real life’. Also, be sure your article is as perfect as you can get it before submitting. These editors don’t have time to work with any of us in extensive editing. The person who submits articles “ready to go” gets published much more often!
How to Find Appropriate Publications for Your Talents
Pick up your favorite real estate magazine or newsletter. See the kind of articles that the publisher likes. Note the length. Ask yourself: Why would my articles be a benefit to that publication? Then, contact the publisher for article specifications and submission policies. Youa��re on your way to standing out as an exceptional manager!
Make a list of hard copy and Internet-based magazines and newsletters. That becomes your a�?distribution lista��. Each month, I submit at least one article to my lista��all at once (your contact management program is invaluable to put your PR contacts in a field so you can communicate easily). I have a a�?templatea�� that I use, which points out the link to the article. In it, I point out the value of the article/blog to the reader. I ask the editor to include my biography with a�?hot linksa�� so readers can get the free documents I usually provide with each articlea��and can go to my website.
Make Publicity Distribution Really Simple…..
A new resource I just discovered: Recently, I signed up for an article submission service, so I could widen my scope of influence. Check out Submit Your Article.
Now, you are on your way to free publicity, a heightened image, and much improved recruiting, and it didna��t cost you anything!
Give me your tips on using publicity as a free marketing tool.
Want More Tips on Marketing YOU?
Why not optimize your personal ‘brand’ by marketing yourself more effectively? And, with methods that cost little or nothing? Here’s a great resource for you, Marketing YOU. Check it out!