The opposite of talking isn’t listening. The opposite of talking is waiting. Fran Leibowitz
Ok. Let’s be real. We’ve all been listening in a conversation and just couldn’t wait to get a word in edgewise. To be truthful, we weren’t really listening, we were preparing in our head what we wanted to say. It happens in everyday conversation and it happens when we’re interviewing potential real estate agents–candidates.
We Get Interviewing Backwards
I asked a manager about his interviewing methods. He said, “I just keep talking to them and tell them all the great things about our company and office until I convince them to join. Woops……that’s not an interview. That’s the sales job.
Questions First
Every sales course and every recruiting/selecting course I’ve ever attended–or written–has taught the correct method of interviewing. Here it is:

Whether you’re interviewing sales candidates, clients, or team members, creating great interview questions and follow-ups is key to choosing those who fit your team.
Who Asks the Questions?
The interviewer should have specific, unique questions to ask–and should lead the interview. In Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School, I provide this process. In addition, I provide the best questions managers should be asking, and the 5 important questions the candidate should ask.
Your Candidate is Judging Your Expertise
A savvy candidate will have insightful questions ready, and he/she will make judgments about a manager’s capabilities based on the manager’s questions and responses. Up your game by having best questions and having the best answers for your candidate.
Find questions for manager and candidate in Launching Right in Real Estate.