Do your agents have what buyers value? Do you know what buyers value? Every other year, the National Association of Realtors does a survey of thousands of buyers and sellers to find out their demographics and their opinions on real estate agents. These surveys, I think, are well worth the cost of Realtor membership! Why? Because they give us valuable insights into what buyers and sellers think is important, and they give us third party facts to share with buyers and sellers.
I have used the results in these surveys in my listing and buyer resources, so that agents have proof of the claims they say are true. In the next few blogs, I’ll be sharing with you a few of the invaluable nuggets of information from the National Association of Realtors’ 2015 Survey of Buyers and Sellers.
Watch for the videos: In the next week, I’ll be making 2 videos explaining 19 big takeaways from this survey. I’ll post the video AND the PDFs of the videos so you can share them with buyers and sellers. A�I’ll show you how to use these statistics and facts in your presentations and help your agents be more effective.
How satisfied do you think buyers are in specific agent skills and qualities?
Highest valued by buyers was honesty and integrity. That’s good news for newer agents, because honesty and integrity has nothing to do with time in the business and everything to do with your ethics and character.
What do you think buyers were most dis-satisfied with?
Negotiation skills! Why? It could be because agents promised more than they delivered. Or, it could be that they just aren’t very good at negotiating. How practiced are you? Have you taken negotiation courses? Do you have a goal to increase your negotiation skills?
How can agents (and managers) prove theyA�have the skills and qualities buyers want?
You Can’t Brag But You Need to Stand Out–How?
Misunderstanding how to make yourself stand out can cost you thousands of dollars. You know you need to differentiate yourself from the ‘pack’, but how and when?
What NOT to do: Never, ever try to put your testimonials, statements, or accomplishments within your presentation. It’s too late, and will just get in your way–and come off as bragging. Instead, follow the instructions in Marketing YOU. Share your talents and skills with potential buyers and sellers in the right way. See more here.
Managers: Order this month, and you’ll receive your own instructions on creating your ‘Book of Greatness’ for recruiting.