In November and December, my blogs will feature business planning. See these blogs for business planning tips and free documents. Also, for agents, check out UP and Running in 30 Days, my blog for achieving agents.
Do you have a real business plan? So, whata��s in a business plan? Goals? Action plans? Youa��re right, as far as it goes. Recently, I presented a webinar through the National Association of Realtorsa�� Learning Library, titled Not Your Grammya��s Business Plan. One of the points I made was that the old-style one-two page business planning templates just dona��t make it these days. Ita��s not enough to either write a
Platitude-heavy mission/vision plan, with a lot of a�?we will bea��.a��
A goals-only plan
Why? Because neither version of a business plan does you much good if you want to create a business plan that is useable every day. To be practical and useable, a plan has to have
- The inspiration–vision and mission
- The review–so you know where you’ve been
- Objectives/goals so you know what you’re shooting for
- Action plans in each of the areas specific to an owner/manager’s job
- A budget
- A method to measure results
Whata��s in a Useable Business Plan?
Click here to see the parts of a strategic business plan for a real estateA�office. I created this a�?flow charta�� after being frustrated that there was no good business planning process or template for real estate offices. I found that there needed to be a clear a�?patha�� from the big picture planning aspects (vision/mission/objectives) to the action plan. I also found there had to be a clear delineation of the parts of the action plan. Why?A�We tend to focus on what they find easya��the business support parts of the plan, not the production and profit-producing parts of the plan.
Make Moneya��Or Not
By focusing on the review and action portions of your plan, you will have a real blueprint to follow to create success every day. Be very careful about which planning system you use. The way you think will determine the kind of plan you get. Follow the model I’ve provided here. Now, you have a useable business plan for years in the future.
Want to see more on business planning? Check out Beyond the Basics of Business Planning. All the instructional webinars and documents are online, and very easy to complete and implement. This is a program created exclusively for real estate owners and managers. And, when you purchase the manager’s package, you also get access to all the agent’s planning videos and documents.
Complimentary Business Planning Webinars
Join us Nov. 5 and 6 (or either one)A�for complimentary business planning webinars. We’ll look at important parts of your plan and explore the best strategies for your next year’s plan.
Time: 3-4 PM Pacific Time
Agents: Click here to register. Space is limited, so register now.
Managers: Click here to register. Space is limited, so register now.
You can attend both, of course.