Can you add the inspiration to your business plan? Why? So you’ll actually look at it and follow it! Unfortunately, most business planning systems just ask you to fill in some forms. Boy, that’s really inspiring….not!
So, how do you inspire yourself (and your team) to create and use your plan?
Create your mission.
What is it?
A statement that defines your real estate career in these areas:
- What you do
- What you specialize in
What you are selling in real estate What areas/target markets you specialize in What kind of services you provide
As important as your mission is in defining what you will do, it also is restrictive, because it guides you in deciding what you won’t do.
Mission statements are:
- Not lightly changed
- Written in the present tense
- Not objectives
- Not tied to time
Some examples:
To take my clients step by step through the home buying, selling, or building process as a consultant who approaches each transaction with empathy, integrity, and professionalism, resulting in a nearly 100% referral real estate practice.
We provide superior service to each individual represented by The Farnsworth Team. Our goal is to ensure that our customers and clients have every advantage as we begin, process, and conclude our real estate transaction.
I am a real estate professional. I specialize in residential properties. My clients and customers are upwardly mobile and established professionals. My premise of service is to find out what people want and help them get it. I proceed with honest, intelligent effort. I bring to my clients a sincere concern for their welfare.
Gain my mission worksheet here and inspire yourself, your team, and your clients.
Let me know how the mission works for you. I’d love to see your mission statement, too. Email me at Thanks!

More Help in Business Planning
Want more guidance, specific, targeted worksheets, and help in creating that awesome 2021 strategic business plan? See Beyond the Basics of Business Planning, my online program–one for real estate agents, one for leadership. I’ll guide you right through the process.
Bonus: Invest in Beyond the Basics of Business Planning before Jan. 15 and I’ll also coach you through your plan, with 3 coaching sessions, starting the third week in January.
Less than 2 years in the business or have you done less than 8 transactions: You need my business start-up planning program for agents under 2 years in the business: Up and Running in Real Estate. Regularly $249, it’s $199 for you if you register by Jan. 15 and use the code make $ now.