Mistake #3: Relying on One Delivery Method

What does that mean? Instead of varying how we present, we rely on only one method–usually lecture. And, that’s sooooooo boring!

It doesn’t have to be that way….yet, we presenters keep making the same mistakes again and again. Why? Because we’re copying someone.  We don’t realize the strategy they’re using is actually hurting them, not helping them. Or, maybe we just don’t know any other techniques.

Who are these presenters? Anyone who gets up in front of an audience as a speaker, facilitator, salesperson, or coach. (This applies to you, too, if you’re a real estate agent doing listing and buyer presentations!).

Talking too Much and too Long is a Killer.

Most trainers love to talk. They want to impart their knowledge to an audience. Sounds OK, but….. Our audiences today get bored really fast–if all we do is talk! What do we do instead? We use ‘alternative delivery methods’–all the ways to teach EXCEPT lecture. What does that mean to us trainers? We have to create and practice new ways of teaching–discussion, task force, case study, role play, and action plan.

Challenging Until You Learn the Techniques

Watch my quick video here.

Yes, it can be challenging. But, skilled, trained trainers today are really good at involving the audience in meaningful ways. How can you learn more? See my Train the Trainer online course. I promise you’ll get dozens of strategies to involve your audience and make sure your message resonates forever.

Watch my other videos in my series Six Fatal Mistakes: One Per Video

In this quick video series, you’ll see the six mistakes we presenters make.. And, you’ll get some tips on how to replace these mistakes with strategies and techniques that work–every time.

Want to polish your presentation, training, and speaking? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and get the latest in strategies to make an impression in front of 2-2000.

Subscribe at @TheCarlaCross.