training your success Trainers: Wouldn’t you love to know how to get paid MORE for the great information and training you provide?

This month, I’m focusing on training. Why? Because you’re hiring good potential, but you need a plan to develop that potential. And, that development comes through training and coaching.

Adults are Enigmatic Animals

Do you sometimes have trouble figuring out the level of expertise of a particular audience? Do you have some students say, a�?That was too basic.a�? Do you wonder how your audience likes to learn? In other wordsa��are you in the dark about your audience background and preferences? If so, you don’t know how to ‘hit the bull’s eye’ in the classroom.

Problem Solved

You can solve many of your instructional problems simply by using a pre-conference survey.

Adults Have Learning Diversities

Children are so much easier to teach than adults. Children are relatively a�?clean slatesa��. They dona��t know so much (and dona��t know things incorrectly), and theya��re eager to learn. Adults, on the other hand, come into the classroom with some terrific learning, skillsa��and a lot of a�?missed learninga�� and baggage. To teach effectively, you must find out everything about your audience before you get in front of them.

A Lab on Finding Out Who These Students Are

Twice a year, I teach my Instructor Development Workshop in this area (Bellevue, Washington). Ia��ve done this for lots of years. Ita��s very challenging to teach, because these adults come into class with so many widely varying experiences about training. To teach them effectively, I need to know as much as possible about them before class starts.

What I Want to Learn About My Students

To prepare to teach Instructor Development, I always ask participants to answer a pre-conference survey. Here are some of the questions I ask:

  1. Have you had any formal training? Please explain.
  2. What do you want to accomplish?
  3. What do you want your students to be able to do?
  4. What are your favorite teaching methods?
  5. How do you like to learn in a classroom?

Trainers: Take this list right now and customize it for your course.

Can you guess why I ask these questions? I need to know

  • Their relative backgrounds, so I know the range of the students
  • What they want from the class, so I know their expectations (and lack of expectations!)
  • If they expect their students to change behavior as a result of the classa��or if they just want students to learn a�?neat stuffa��
  • How they like (and what they depend on) to teacha��so I know their skill sets
  • Their favorite learning method, so I can include it in my teaching

What I Learn from Those Who Dona��t Complete the Survey

Thata��s pretty obvious, isna��t it? In my Instructor Development course, I ask students why they think I did the survey, and what it tells me. We then discuss how to use surveys in various situations to gather information about those adult learners. I know if a student doesn’t complete the survey, they don’t find value. They may be hard to teach. Or, they were just plain too busy or distracted.

Raising the Level of Your Coursea��and Charging More for It

By using a pre-conference survey, you show students that there are expectations of your course. You show them that there will be more value than the a�?just show up and sit therea�� type of course. You show them that you care more about them than just showing up. You show them you will customize this course specifically for them. You can charge more for your course, because you have elevated the course from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Your Responsibilities to the Students

Gathering all that information isna��t a free ride for you! Students will expect you to use that information to customize your course, teach to various learning styles, and stretch yourself as an instructor.

Let me know how you use surveys prior to courses to increase the value of your course.

A Gift for You

During my Instructor Development Workshop, I show dozens of teaching methods. I’ve compiled a list of 42 of them. Click here to get it.








A Teaching Resource for You

Tired of your own teaching methods? Want to dial it up? Take a look at The Ultimate Real Estate Trainer’s Guide.A�

Learn the 6-step process to create a great workshop, so you can create your own training workshop. Grasp the 3-part process to create a persuasive presentation to motivate your associates. Youa��ll get the most common mistakes trainers makea��and how to avoid them.

30 Checklists and Outlines

a�? A a�?cheat sheeta�� to put together a workshop in 10 minutes
a�? 2 ready-to-use teaching outlines
a�? An example of a student outline and a coordinating teaching outline (use as a guide to submit your outline to your Dept. of Licensing)
a�? 28 speakera��s tips
a�? Example of a training calendar
a�? A student evaluation form
a�? How to get students to attend: An effective marketing flyer
a�? 10 minute system to create a 1-3 hour training sessiona��one that works!
a�? Worksheet: How to create an in-office workshop
a�? 5 methods to build in student accountability and measurable results
a�? 6 ways to lose your a�?stage frighta��
a�? 6 ways to keep the audiencea��s attention
a�? 10 methods to a�?control troublemakersa�� in your audience
a�? 15 forms, systems and processes to create better training
a�? How to assure theya��ll participate in your training session
a�? How to build learning theory into your practical workshops
a�? How to avoid talking through an hour
a�? Attributes of effective new agent training
a�? Attributes of effective experienced agent training
a�? How to a�?timea�� your presentations so you end on time
a�? The 6 steps to build a workshop
a�? What to do when theya��re not paying attention
a�? What to do when youa��re out of time
a�? How to control the student who dominates questions
a�? How to utilize your agent talents in your training program
a�? A post-workshop trainera��s evaluation
a�? How to use role play the right way
a�? 5 ways to teach instead of lecturing
a�? The positives and pitfalls of each teaching method
a�? The coaching feedback loop, to motivate your students
a�? 28 tips for speakers
a�? Worksheet: attendance record
a�? Sample article to promote your workshop
a�? Sample flyer to promote your workshop
a�? Career Life Cycle: How to figure out who to train and the training you need
a�? Agent survey to discover training needs
a�? Your training calendar evaluator
a�? An example new agent training calendar
a�? An example of experienced agent training: The Masters Series
a�? How to find presenters
a�? How to design and present a panel discussion
a�? How to evaluate your training program
a�? 10 most common training program mistakes

Check outA�The Ultimate Real Estate Trainer’s Guide.A�