Exactly what does a successful agent do daily to create exceptional production? You sure need to know to help your agents grasp effective time management. So, I’ve made a model ‘day in the life for you.’A� CompareA�your agents’ scheduleA�to this schedule. At the bottom of this page, I’m supplying you a ‘fill-in’ schedule with an evaluator so you can help your agents get better at scheduling for productivity.
8:00 a.m. to 9 a.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Paperwork/database input
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Lead generate pro-actively (most important principle in time management: proactively lead generate 2 hours in the morning)
If you have an office meeting, make up your lead generation in the early afternoon
11a. m. to 12 noonA�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Preview properties (or office tour to preview properties)
Noon to 1 p.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Lunch
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Lead generate an additional 2 hours (if new agent with no or few qualifying appointments or offer presentations)a��or, may do this from 6 to 8 p. m. if needed to contact buyers and sellers when they are available
Or, if you are an experienced agent, substitute qualifying appointments to show/list marketable properties for lead generating activities
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Show homes to qualified buyers/present offers (see below for alternate times for presenting offers)
5 p.m. to 6 p.m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Paperwork/market your listings/prepare for buyer tours
6 p. m. to 7 p. m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Dinner
7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m.A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Present offers/represent seller at offer presentations
Balance: Your business-producing activities (lead generating, qualifying, showing, listing, offer presentations) should take 4-5 hours a day when you are new, or are re-generating your business. Your business-supporting activities should take no more than 3-4 hours a day.
Experienced agents steadily growing their businesses: Lead generate 2 hours a day in the mornings, 4 days a week.
Many more time management tips, strategies, and prototype plans are in Up and Running in 30 Days.A�
Click here to get your complimentary fill-in schedule with an evaluator to help you manage time more effectively.