Are you dismayed because people don’t show up for your classes? It may be that, quite frankly, your promo sucks. Instead of those dull, over-informational tomes, follow these rules to write an effective promotion.
1. Choose a name for your topic that describes your class and draws people in (avoid generic names like ‘all about mortgages’; avoid catchy but non-descriptive names like ‘how not to trip and fall with….’)
Your topic should appeal to the category of people you want to draw. When you create your name, think of the exact agent you want to attend. Write to that person.
2. Write your promotion
a. First, state the problem (what is the challenge agents are facing in this topic?)
b. Second, name how your class will solve the problem (bullet points)
Language to Avoid
Avoid ‘what I will teach you’ or ‘I will cover’. Don’t think of your class from your perspective. Think of your class from the student’s perspective.
State bullet points as benefits to students
Use the phrases ‘what you will learn, or what you will be able to do, or what you will walk away with.
Not Too Many Bullet Points…
Use 3-5 bullet points, not whole sentences.
Examples: By the end of this class, you will be able to •
Identify pros and cons of 3 types of …. •
Explain the mortgage process to a buyer
Or, you will walk away with •
Ability to identify pros and cons of three types of… •
Dialogue to explain the mortgage process to a buyer
3. When, where. Tell specifics of attending.
Do they need to register? Is there a cut-off date? Make it EASY for them to register!
4. Close with a call to action.
Why you are qualified
When appropriate: Put a bit about you and why you are qualified to teach this class (always toward the bottom). Use third person to describe your awesomeness!
Watch my short video here.
Let Carla Cut Your Frustration and Get Your Class Done!!
Carla has written comprehensive training courses for most of the world’s major real estate franchises. See how she can assist you. Check out Masterminds for Trainers. Based on her vast experience, Carla will coach you through creating a course, refining a course, or adding creative teaching methods to your course.