coaching for leadershipThis month, I’m focused on leadership. And, in today’s world, managers must go much further than just to ‘manage activities’. So, let me ask you managers: Whata��s your job description? Did you get one prior to taking your present position with your company? Very few managers did. If you didn’t,A� how do you know what to do every day? How do you know the priorities expected by your a�?bossa��? (Or, if youa��re the boss, how do you know your priorities? How do you know how to hold your managers accountable?)

Your Present Job Description

Here’s how to figure out the present job description you’re ‘using’. Analyze the number of hours youa��re spending in

Business producing activities (recruiting, selecting, training, coaching, team building)

Business supporting activities (everything else!)

That gives you a great idea about your actual, practical job description. Is it the one you want? Is it the job description you thought you were following?

A Prototype Job Description for You

I’ve created a prototype job description with hours allocated to various types of activities.

Click here to get it and compare it with your job description analysis. What do you think of my descriptions? What do you think of my hourly allocations?

After your analysis: What do you want to change to move your office forward? Do you need to move more into leadership, and away from a�?maintenance managementa��?

General managers or those who hire managers: Create a job description from which to interview potential managers. Never hire without getting agreement from your candidate that he/she will execute THAT job description!

How Are You Moving your Leadership Ahead?

A� If you’re wondering whether you’re on track with your leadership/management career, why not take advantage of our complimentary consultation in our Leadership Mastery coaching program? You’ll learn new models, systems, and have a chance to bounce your ideas off one of the most successful managers in the country. Click here for more information.